Identification Cards
To improve school climate and safety, all students and staff will wear an identification badge at all times during the school day and at all school functions Implementation will be in effect for the 2018-2019 school year.
- All students will be issued a picture student identification card during the first week of school.
- All students will be issued one lanyard or that connects to the student identification card.
- Lanyards will be “breakaways” for safety reasons
- The badge is to be worn clearly visible at all times around the neck on a school-approved lanyard.
- All students are required to be visibly wearing their identification cards in order to enter the school campus.
- Students who do not have their lanyards/identification cards with them are required to obtain a temporary “sticker” at that time.
- The school has developed a process for tracking and assigning discipline to students who have repeatedly violated this policy in an effort to have parents insure students wear their identifica- tion cards and/or to collect the money attached to the student charges. In addition, dress code sweeps will be conducted and students will receive disciplinary action for not complying with this policy.
- Replacement identification cards can be purchased for $5.00. Replacement lanyards can be purchased for $1.00
- In addition, Temporary ID stickers must be obtained prior to going to class. 1st period teachers will refer any students that do not have his/her identification card of temporary sticker.
- Students are required to wear the identification card throughout the entire school day and through the duration of school activities.
- Regular dress code sweeps will be conducted and students not wearing their ID cards may be assigned After School Work.
- Consequences for failing to wear student identification cards
- Obtain temporary sticker/Warning
- Obtain temporary sticker/Warning
- Obtain temporary sticker/Phone call to parent/guardian
- Obtain temporary sticker/After School Work
- Obtain temporary sticker/Saturday Work
- A $6.00 charge will be placed on the student account and the student will receive a replacement identification card and lanyard refer to Vice Principal – Parent conference
- Continued offenses will be considered defiance of LnHS rules and expectations; students will be assigned additional discipline for defiance
Participation in extra-curricular activities may also be prohibited for students who continue to not follow this policy.