Antelope Valley School District

Freshman Orientation

Hello Future Eagles, we look forward to an exciting year and would like to begin by inviting your student to our Freshman Orientation next Tuesday.

Freshman Orientation is Tuesday, August 6th. During this Orientation, your student will have the opportunity to tour our campus and learn about what it means to Be R.EA.L.. This orientation is for students only, so parents, please prepare to drop off and pick up your student. If your student's last name starts with letters A through L then their Orientation is from 8 AM - 11 AM. If your student's last name starts with M-Z then their orientation is from 12PM - 3PM. We hope you are enjoying your summer, however we are excited to meet you all next week! This information can also be found on our website, our social media, and in your email. See you at Orientation!

If your student receives a special needs service provider, please email for arrangements.