AFJROTC's mission is to develop citizens of
character dedicated to serving their nation and
community. Cadets learn leadership skills, Air
Force history, communication techniques, and
group dynamics through a robust curriculum
which includes strong academics, physical
training, field trips, community service events,
and extracurricular activities. These activities
include an air rifle program, model rocketry,
color guard teams, drill teams, and flight
simulator instruction.
Community Service
Cadets also serve the local community by
volunteering for various school and community
Cadets are required to wear uniforms one day a
week and are expected to abide by the AFJROTC
honor code.
Course Progression
Aerospace Science 1 - 1st year cadets learn basic
leadership skills, AFJROTC uniform standards,
aviation history, and drill & ceremonies.
Aerospace Science 2 - 2nd year cadets learn
advanced communication skills and the science of
flight. Curriculum includes lessons in the flight
Aerospace Science 3 - 3rd year cadets learn career skills to include research on colleges, job
opportunities in the civilian sector as well as the armed forces, and personal financial
management. They also learn about space exploration and complete a model rocketry project.
Aerospace Science 4 - 4th year cadets learn advanced leadership skills and manage the cadet
corps by planning all events, budgeting for activities, and supervising and mentoring younger
Lancaster’s AFJROTC is open for crosstown agreements with any area high school (does not
have to be in AVHSD) for non-Lancaster HS students interested in the program. Contact the
school for more information.
Resources for this program are provided by HQ AFJROTC and local fundraising. Uniforms,
textbooks, and all other classroom materials are provided free of charge to cadets.
Instructor Staff
Jessica Schmitt, Capt (ret), USAF,
Capt Schmitt was a special operations pilot and served in Afghanistan as well as several other
locations across the globe.
Robert Butler, CMSgt (ret), USAF,
Chief Butler was a Aircrew Ground Equipment maintainer and served as a First Sergeant and
Airborne Laser Superintendent.
661-726-7649 x160