Antelope Valley School District



Please click on one of the following links below to help you select your courses.  After you have looked at the list of courses, log in to your STUDENT PowerSchool Account and select courses under the Class Registration tab.

Click this link: If you are currently in 11th Grade.

Click this link: If you are currently in 10th Grade

Click this link: If you are currently in 9th Grade

If you are currently in 8th grade, please return to the main page and click on FUTURE STUDENTS


Mission Statement 

The focus of the Lancaster High School Counseling Department is to promote individual responsibility and sounds decision making, while preparing students for college and career opportunities beyond high school. Working with families and community services, students are guided in areas of personal/social development and academic/career/post-secondary planning as they become responsible and civic-minded members of a diverse and rapidly changing world.

Students are encouraged to visit with the counselors for personal academic and personal guidance. The counselors are available to discuss social, school, or home concerns. Counselors can also assist with questions regarding studying tutoring, and testing programs. 

For the most up to date information about enrollment, registration, scholarships, and college info visit  

Enrollment Requirements

Registration Hours:
Monday – Thursday 7:00am – 2:30pm

Parent/Legal Guardian and Student must be present to enroll

Parent/Guardian Photo ID required

Requirements Item Description
Required for All Students Proof of Residency within Lancaster High School’s Attendance Area Two forms of address verification in parent’s/legal
guardian’s name. TWO *CURRENT DOCUMENTS verifying your residence address within LnHS’s attendance area such as electric, water or gas bill, bank statement, credit card statement, Government documents (DPSS, MediCal, CalWorks, Escrow papers (closed) or forwarded business mail. No phone bills. *All documents must be dated within the past 30 days.
Immunization Record Updated Immunization Record that satisfies CA
school requirements.
Required for 9th Grade Students Verification of Promotion Last report card and diploma or certificate of 8th
grade completion.
Required for all 10th –12th Grade Students Withdrawal and Unofficial Transcripts Your student must be withdrawn from previous
high school. You will need to request an unofficial
transcript from the last high school your student
attended. This will allow us to properly place your
student in classes.
Required for student with an IEP or other Special Education needs. IEP A copy or your student’s current IEP
(Individualized Education Plan).
Required for students with a 504 plan. 504 Accommodation Plan A copy of your student’s current 504
Accommodation Plan.

Students are required to attend the school in the area in which the parent/guardian resides.

A family living with another family who cannot provide proof of residency or caregivers of students whose parent/guardian lives outside the Antelope Valley will be referred to our community attendance worker (CAW) for approval prior to registration.

Foster parents must provide “placement” documentation. Legal guardians must show guardianship/court documentation.


Four-Year Student Educational Plan

Below you will find sample guidelines for customizing steps to the next level. Whatever plan you choose should remain flexible and can be altered if goals change. Counselors are available to help develop this plan.

Community College / Military / Vocational Training Model

9th Grade 10th Grade 11th Grade 12th Grade
English 9
Algebra 1
P.E. 1
English 10
Algebra 2
World History
P.E. 2
English 11
US History
Expo. Read. & Writing
Financial Algebra


CSU University / Private University Model

9th Grade 10th Grade 11th Grade 12th Grade
English 9 or Honors
Algebra 1
Biology H/Bio-Med H
P.E. 1
Foreign Language
English 10 or H
Algebra 2
World History or AP
P.E. 2
Foreign Language
English 11 or AP
US History or AP
A-G Science Elect.
A-G Fine Art
Foreign Language (opt.)
AP Lit. & Comp./Exp. R & W
Civics/Econ or AP
A-G Elective
A-G Elective


UC University / Cal Poly Schools / Some Private Universities Model

9th Grade 10th Grade 11th Grade 12th Grade
English 9 Honors
Biology/Bio-Med H
P.E. 1
Foreign Language
English 10 Honors
Algebra 2
World History AP
P.E. 2
Foreign Language
English 11 AP
US History AP
AP Science Elective
A-G Fine Art
Foreign Language
AP Lit. & Comp./Exp. R & W
AP Calculus/AP Stats
Civics/Econo AP
AP Elective
A-G Elective
A-G Elective