Antelope Valley School District

Campus Policy

Students & Families,

Please be advised that the safety of students and staff is of the utmost importance at Lancaster High School. To ensure the safety of our staff and students, the following procedures and guidelines must be followed:

  1. Lancaster High School is a “closed campus.”
    1. Only Students with senior Lunch passes (students must apply each semester of their senior year in the Activities office), passes indicating that the student has a shortened schedule, or pink off-campus passes may leave the campus during the school day. Students are not allowed to go to his/her car to obtain items during the school day.
    2. During the school day students are required to enter and exit the campus through the main student doors located on the North side of the campus near the student parking lot. Students are not to exit the campus at any time through the main lobby doors, unless accompanied by a parents/guardian.
  2. Parents and visitors are required to enter the campus through the lobby located at the front of the campus off of 32nd Street West. Parents and visitors must check in with the switchboard operator in the lobby and obtain a Visitor’s pass. If parents are checking students out of school for period or the day, they must wait for the student at the Attendance Office. Remember that parents/guardians must present identification to obtain any information about students and/ or check them out of school.

Antelope Valley Union High School District BP 1310.1 (a)


If any member of the public uses obscenities or speaks in a demanding, loud, insulting and/or demeaning manner, the administrator or employee to whom the remarks are directed will admonish the speaker to com-municate civilly. If corrective action is not taken by the abusing party, the District employee will verbally notify the abusing party that the meeting, conference or telephone conversation is terminated and, if the meeting or conference is on District premises, the offending person will be directed to leave promptly.

When an individual is directed to leave under such circumstances, the Principal or designee shall inform the person he/she will be guilty of a misdemeanor in accordance with the California Education Code 44811 and Penal Codes 415.5 and 626.7, if he/she reenters any District facility within 30 days after being directed to leave, or within 14 days if the person is a parent/guardian of a student attending that school. If any individual refuses to leave upon request or returns before the applicable period of time, the Principal or designee may notify law enforcement officials